Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Please Donate

To help Fund our Trip I have added a Pay Pal Donate Button and some Google Adds to the blog.

If you donate by Pay Pal please leave a mesasge in comments so that I can add you to the Thank you list.

Friday, 18 May 2007

The Trip

The trip is being organised by Wu Tan Belgium and all the details can be found here

A Youtube Vid of the Temple in which we will be training and some of the Teachers can be found here:

Big Thanks

A Big Thanks to everyone who has donated to our trip.

Paula Croft
Olly MacAllister
Kevin Beadle
Matt Seaborn
Vickie Roberts
Jim Freeman
Dan Steel
Ashley Carver
Ryan Burge
Richard Reeves
Dave Nicolson
John Foggerty
Kevin Clarke
Tracy Morris
Rob Smith
Becky ottery
Drrell Ottery
Ricky Jones
Dean Snelson
Kurt Lewendon
Symon Rose
Matt Williams
Natalie Bertleson
Laura Clarke
Lee Saggers
David Stevens
Matt B
Paul Lambert
Mike Thompson
James Harvey
Rich Chalmers
Emma Milner
Richard Moody
Russ How
Alan Frost
Tai Couche
Lucy Burton
Ed Grey
Jason Whittle
Dena Lewis
Nick Doran
Jules and Chris
Chris Baron
Chris Francis
Phil and Shirlee Gibbs
Gavin Applegate
Chris Ladd
Stuart Hercock
Bill Thompson
Pete Werkin
Ruth Verity
Claive Payne
Alex Harris
Katie MacPhearson
Niel Marcus
Liv Hibbins
Neil Pullman
Sue Allan
Steve Light
Doc (Chris Waite)
Ruth Tudhope
Steve Newbury
Sam Emmett
Karren Brooks
Carol Benny
Andrew Whitley
Lee Marshall
Kenny Burns
Anup Dave
Caroline Law
Alex Green
The Two ninjas from the unicorn event
Steve (Tarvan)
Nice Girl that monstered the unicorn event
The Southampton, Reading and Sheffield UFS Players
Patriot Games
Eclectic Games
Steve Buckmaster
Barry and Wendy
Jo Wilson
Veronica Thompson
Ed Chirchman
Bill List
Nick Kapelo
Alan Frost (again)
Adrian Brown
Ben Addison
Ben (Memphis)
Ian Heely
Barry Locke
Adam Bartlet
Matt Wyatt
Chole Isherwood
Richie Young
Mark Mitchell
Ewan Taylor
Hazel King
Justin Wilson
Richard Satchell
Warren Goodwin
Justin Davies
David Steele
John Pit-Lewis
Ciaron Lynch
Corinne Davies
Owen Beven
Stuart Duff
Erin Regan
Roger Brewer
Malcom Craig
Paul Grogan
Iain MacDonald
Niel "HEEEEED" Price
Stacy Hetton
Mike Khalil
Martin Wise
Adam Saunders
James Adey
Matt Strange
Alex Hogg
Toby More
John Woodhouse
Mike Humphry
Mark Dorcy-Joyce
John Cortney
Chris Allsopp
The Harts Faction
Dan Mac
Gemma Mckee
Veronica Thompson
Amanda Cook
Ben Cheesman
Jason Hamer
Julia Frost
Ilya Savva
Liam O'Connor - Black Lion Games
Charles Ryan
Jeff Ellington
Tom Pike

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

This Blog is to document the training and Fund Raising involved in Our trip to China to learn Kung Fu in August.

I have been studying Northern Longfist Kung Fu for two and a half years now, and This august K8 and myself have an opportunity to Travel to China and Study Kung Fu with the help of Wu Tan Belgium.

To help fund our trip we have decided to ask everyone we know for a pound each. We are also hosting ccg tournaments and various other sponsored events.